Porn Star Barbie ?

Could Barbie be the ultimate porn star ? How is this effecting our children ? 

Barbie is a porn star  – discuss

Video contains adult content (don’t show the kids).



3 thoughts on “Porn Star Barbie ?

  1. I’ve always been more of a Cindy girl myself. Both my girls cut their barbies’ hair and drew on them. I made houses out of toilet rolls and fairy liquid bottles. Potentially an act of rebellion against projected perfection


  2. Interesting to note how toys like Barbie have changed over the years. Same for Action Man. Pressure on young girls and boys to look a certain way. Action Man is all muscle bound, six pack etc… What image/perception is this giving to young boys? If you are a boy you need to look tough and girls are getting the same message from Barbie and co. Watching the Barbie videos, makes for ver uncomfortable viewing.


    • Magi,
      according to a study on sexuality and body hair that I was literally just reading as you posted this comment, there has been an increase in metro-sexuality. Hetrosexual men that engage openly in what what was previously deemed as feminine behaviors like the consumption of male grooming products, spa visits, preoccupation with body image, and manscaping which of course includes grooming pubic hair. Maybe this type of behaviour signifies a male desire to embody the strong, hairless, fit persona of Action Man ? That said, the study does point out that although men seem to be taking up the razor more often, body hair on a man is still considered a sign of masculinity, and not stigmatized in the same way when discussing body hair on women and femininity.


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